15 Writing Prompts To Try This Week

Sometimes, you need a little inspiration to get your creative juices flowing. Writing prompts are a great way to do that!

To start, open your notebook, write the prompt at the top of the page, and set a timer for 10 minutes. Do not stop writing until the timer is up.

For this exercise, we want quantity over quality. Do not edit. I repeat, do. not. edit! Our goal is to let the words come to us naturally without our pesky ego getting in the way that wants to edit, tidy, and be “good” at something. That’s not our purpose. Our purpose is to get a pen on paper (or fingers on keys) and let our minds wander to help us generate ideas.

For a bonus: practice a 10-minute meditation beforehand to help clear your mind.

Here are 15 writing prompts you can try this week:

  1. I remember… (see what I came up with here)

  2. Morning coffee

  3. Full moon

  4. School bus

  5. Witching hour

  6. Flow state

  7. What stops me from writing?

  8. My favourite tea

  9. The colour purple

  10. My favourite author

  11. Why I love _____ (your favourite activity)

  12. Defining strength

  13. What does God look like?

  14. What disciple means to me

  15. My favourite mug

Did you try any of these? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Sunday Mornings